Important information regarding re-opening
Dear Clients,
We have missed you all!
We are reopening!
We hope you and your family and friends are safe and well.
We are pleased to let you know that we will be open for business again on Saturday 4th July.
As you will be aware, there will be quite a few changes happening, and we are currently implementing these into the salon. Unfortunately, it means a bit of bedtime reading for you all. Please take the time to read this email, as it will include all our changes, what we need to do and what you need to do in order to keep the salon a safe environment.
Making an appointment
To help with social distancing, please phone us or book online if you want to make an appointment – please don’t come into our salon.
Please bear with us as we try to get everyone booked in. We are operating a cancellation and waiting list.Message to our clients: health & safety
The health and wellbeing of our clients have always been our top priority. That’s why we are putting strict measures in place to protect you and our staff. These include: To help with social distancing, please phone us if you want to make an appointment – please don’t visit us in person to do this.
It is important to cancel and reschedule your appointment if:
- You feel unwell.
- If you have a high temperature
- If you or someone you are living with is currently awaiting tests results from a COVID-19 test.
- You live with anyone who is unwell.
- You have been in contact with anyone who has typical coronavirus symptoms such as a cough, shortness of breath, loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
- You have recently travelled to an area with high infection rates.
If you need to cancel NO penalty or cancellation fee will apply.
1. Our team will greet you without close contact (no handshakes, hugs etc.).
2. On arrival, you will be asked to wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. We will provide these facilities.
3. Our team is following strict hygiene guidelines and we ask you to do the same – please place any used paper towels and tissues straight in the bin after use. Sanitize or wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.
4. There will be no magazines or newspapers to share between clients.
5. Team members will be sanitizing all stations, door handles and bathrooms regularly.
6. Team members will be washing their hands thoroughly between clients and appointments.
7. We ask you not to touch any of our retail products unless you are definitely purchasing the item.
8. Please pay with a card (preferably contactless) where possible instead of cash
9. PPE will be worn by all team members, which include a mask and visor.
10. Please bring a mask with you to wear for the duration of your appointment. If you do not have a mask, we can provide you with one at an additional cost.
11. Please come to your appointment alone.
12. Please take a note of your appointment and arrive on time, and please do not enter the salon under a team member asks you to enter, as in between appointments we are sanitising the salon ready for the next client.
13. On arrival, we will ask you to sign a questionnaire disclaimer.
14. During your appointment, we are only able to carry out the services you have been booked in for.
15. You are more than welcome to bring your own refreshments, we will be offering them, however they will be in paper cups.
16. Please bring minimal items with you, i.e bags, coats.
17. Although we will be in PPE, please can we ask that we talk only whilst seated through the mirror, rather than face to face.
We have also been advised by our insurance company that due to it being a long period of time since hair colours have been applied, that all clients who have a scalp colour application carried out require another patch test prior to the service. If we have contacted you to arrange this, you don’t need to get in touch. However, if you have a scalp application (all over colour applied directly to the scalp or a toner), and we haven’t got in touch with you, please contact us on 01252 285503 to arrange a patch test. If a patch test is not carried out at least 24 hours before your appointment, unfortuantely, we will not be able to colour your hair
We are hoping that these are all temporary measures, and we hope to resume back to normal life soon. However, at the moment we need to strictly follow the government guidelines in order to protect ourselves and our clients.
We would like to say a BIG thank you for supporting us during this time, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
The Bluebells team xx
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